UDA Considering Lifetime & Honorary Membership Designations

Over the years, there have been many great contributors to the survival of Dentistry in Uganda. From the pioneers such as Ken Chapman, to the survivalists and rejuvenators such as Dr. Nganwa and Dr. Ssamula to the technological revolutionaries like Dr. Mutyabule.

The importance of recognition for such recommendable and tremendous work cannot be overstated. It’s upon this premise that plans are underway to put in place  lifetime and honorary member designations. These are intended to be privileged positions that come with certain benefits to those who may be selected to fit the criteria.

While a certain announcement is yet to be made, a long list of potential candidates for each of the two categories is already on the books. The UDA believes that by publicly recognizing individuals who have made grand contributions, we can encourage the younger generation dentists to give their best in their practice. 

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